Crafting Powerful Stories That Inspire Change

Content Marketing

You’ve heard “Content is King”, and you believe in content marketing, but you’re struggling to put it into practice and prove its worth. I construct solid content structures, guide asset creation and build systems for monitoring success.


You have goals like brand awareness, customer growth, and audience nurturing and education. To reach those goals, you need a strategy that incorporates a competitive analysis, content audit, messaging, public relations and more. I help businesses lay out marketing strategies to guide and direct decisions and actions.


You’re not looking for someone to slap together a headline or advertising hook. You want an experienced writer who crafts editorials, blog articles, publication series, social media posts and video scripts. You’ll receive clear, concise and relatable copy that is infused with emotion and passion.

Video Production

Video is the #1 form media used in content strategy. Customers prefer watching videos about products and services, and are more likely to purchase if those videos are relevant and helpful. Together, we’ll not only build a strategy for consistent video creation, I’ll help you storyboard, develop shot lists, schedule interviews, write scripts, conduct interviews, shoot and edit.

Public Relations

As a news reporter, I’ve read my share of press releases. And I’ve deleted far more than I’ve read. My experience in newsrooms across the country makes me a valued partner in developing story pitches, writing press releases and coordinating media coverage.


Are you preparing for a big media interview or press conference? Are you a regular media contributor who wants to improve your poise, confidence and speaking skills? I’ll walk you through practice interviews, prepare you for curve balls a reporter may throw you and help you feel confident in your voice and message.